Dec 29, 2011

Hate...(May 22, 1930 - November 27, 1978)

Hate .... its a strong word.....why do we hate? As a teenager i will admit i have used the word hate before it seems to be in human blood to hate but why.......? LGBTQ people are people too we were born as human but treated like we are nothing and nobody... now i'm going to bring up the name Harvey milk (May 22, 1930 - November 27, 1978) he was a city supervisor in  San Francisco and the first openly gay officer in the city's history.. now this man was shot and killed on Nov. 27, 1978 by Dan White. the only thing that Harvey wanted was the same thing that i wanted, the same thing that my girlfriend wanted the that was equality, to be seen as a human , to be loved by our family and friends and to show our love and get married just like every other person on this planet .... we.just.want.l.o.v.e. is that too much?... is it too much for this 14 year old girl to ask that you see me and my girlfriend as together... , and everyone else who has found there true love <3 

1 comment:

  1. Random comment, I am not LGB nor a teen- but a mother of a young girl whom I hope can grow up in a more tolerant world. Hang in there, and know that you are so right, and wise for you years. take care :)
